Prof. R. A. KHAN

I am delighted to welcome you to the launch of The International Journal of Next Generation Computer Applications [IJNGCA] by IJNGCA Research Online Publishing Media. I wish to extend my gratitude to the Editors and the members of the Editorial Board, as they are the backbone of this scientific endeavor. We could not starting this Journal without the support and professionalism of researchers and developers interested in scientific and scientific discipline and wishing to make this Journal a success.

I would like to emphasize the compelling reasons for launching a new open-access Journal website in this ever-expanding area of research, as well as our aspirations and vision for the future. we believe that it is important to have a Journal, which gives free access to its contents and promotes high-quality research and intellectual output of scientists who have limited access to mainstream Journals. We aim to bridge the gap so that authors get a wider audience for their high-quality scientific achievements. We believe we will be publishing a significant number of high-quality original research article and scientific reviews from authors around the world. we look forward to a successful first year as Editor-in-Chief and welcome any comments or suggestions you may have that would improve the Journal.